Generous shoppers have given up their dividends to help fund a support centre at a North Warwickshire school for pupils experiencing family problems, bereavement and other issues.
The money will be used to equip and furnish a small, ‘homely’ room, called The Den, at Wood End Primary where children can go to, away from the classroom, in times of emotional upheaval.

Pictured at the Community Dividend Fund cheque presentation are (left) Moira Cross, head of Wood End Primary, with the school’s Year 6 house captains and Sheila Villers, manager of Wood End Co-op.
Customers at Wood End Co-op raised £500 by donating the ‘divis’ earned on their purchases to support the school.
Moira Cross, head of Wood End Primary, said the grant from the store’s Community Dividend Fund scheme was hugely appreciated.
“It will help us to provide more resources, such as stress-relieving toys, and to make it a warm, inviting space, perhaps with a settee, where the children can come and talk about their feelings.
“Some of them may be experiencing a family separation, a sudden bereavement, or they may have other social problems, such as difficulties forming attachments. It’s about trying to help them overcome these difficulties through therapy in small groups with trained staff.
“Due to cutbacks, there is often a six to eight-month long waiting list to refer children for help which is too long if they’re in crisis. This is why we wanted to provide this place for them where they can be supported. We’re so thankful to the shoppers and the Co-op for their help. This money is so valuable to us.”
The Den will be available for use by all of the school’s 155 pupils, aged three to 11, if they find themselves in crisis at any point.
Sheila Villers, manager of the store, which is operated by the Tamworth Co-operative Society, presented a cheque for the money raised to the school.
She said: “I’m so pleased that we’ve been able to assist such a worthwhile project.”
“The Community Dividend Fund hands out thousands of pounds to schools, charities and clubs in the Tamworth Co-op’s trading area, with each of our outlets adopting a particular cause.”