A Lichfield community hub is celebrating a windfall of more than £500 as part of a scheme that allows shoppers to cash in their dividends for good causes.

Nicky Gilbert, manager of the Lichfield Co-op convenience store off Eastern Avenue, is pictured presenting the cheque to David Whitfield and Sue Whelan, events co-ordinators at Jigsaw. Looking on are Colin Ball (second from right), chairman of the North Lichfield Initiative, Staffordshire county councillor Caroline Wood (third from right, back row) and other volunteers.
Customers at the Co-op store in Marks Walk, off Eastern Avenue, voted to donate their ‘divis’ to Jigsaw, a one-stop shop where people can get information and meet friends.
The money, from the Tamworth Co-operative Society’s Community Dividend Fund, will help pay for events in the coming year, including a popular lantern parade at Halloween and a Christmas fair.
Colin Ball, chairman of the Jigsaw North Lichfield Initiative, said: “We’re delighted to get this money. It’s a fantastic boost for us, and we can’t thank the Co-op and the shoppers enough.”
The centre in Dimbles Lane hosts a regular work club, helping people back into jobs, a knit and natter group and a credit union, as well as other activities run by volunteers. One of the highlights of the year is an Easter egg hunt for children, while dozens of families come together to make large lanterns out of crepe paper and bamboo canes for the annual parade. Residents in the area can also call in for advice on benefits and pick up food bank vouchers.
Nicky Gilbert, manager of the Lichfield Co-op convenience food store, who presented the group with a giant cheque for the £533 raised by the shoppers, said:
“Jigsaw does such a lot of good work locally and we’re pleased to be able to support it through the Community Dividend Fund. This year we will be handing out nearly £10,000 to charities and other groups in the Tamworth Co-op trading area which includes Lichfield.”
Staffordshire county councillor Caroline Wood, who supports the initiative through her Local Community Fund, also attended the presentation.