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Efforts to protect wildlife backed by the Tamworth Co-op

A group of volunteers dedicated to enhancing the enjoyment of Warwickshire Moor for both humans and wildlife have praised the Tamworth Co-operative Society for supporting their efforts over the past two years. The Friends of Warwickshire Moor have been handed a cheque for £850 from the Tamworth Co-operative Society’s Community Dividend Fund. Secretary Pam Clarke said the support the group has received from the Society has proved invaluable.

Have you planned your farewell to the world?

The general manager of Tamworth Co-op 's funeral division says the recent 'Dying Matters Awareness Week' served as a timely reminder for people of all ages to plan their own funerals. Amanda Woodward, who heads up a 35-strong funeral team, believes 90 per cent of local people die without having discussed, never mind planned, their final goodbye.

Co-op cash boosts drop-in centres for vulnerable people

An important Christian charity which reaches out to the most vulnerable people in the area has received cash from the Tamworth Co-op. The Starfish Project was set up eight years ago as an initiative of Tamworth Covenanting Churches. In addition to operating a café in the crypt of St Editha’s Church, the project runs drop-in centres at St Andrew’s Methodist Church in Leyfields, St Martin’s Church in Stonydelph and the Sacred Heart Church in Glascote Heath.

Delighted Amington tots get a ‘play’ cheque

Tots at a pre-school established more than 40 years ago are in line for some exciting new play equipment, thanks to the Tamworth Co-operative Society. The group has been awarded nearly £300 from the Tamworth Co-op’s Community Dividend Fund.

‘Negative national press reports have nothing to do with us’

Tamworth Co-operative Society is reassuring its customers and members that it is a separate business to the beleaguered Co-op Bank which has been attracting negative headlines. Chief Executive Julian Coles says the Tamworth Co-op is in good financial shape and should not be tarred with the same brush.

Mayor opens Mobility and Lifestyle ‘flagship’ support centre

The Mayor of Tamworth, Cllr John Garner, has officially opened a new flagship support centre catering for the needs of disabled people in the heart of Tamworth. The Mobility and Lifestyle store, which has been situated in the Tamworth Co-op department store for the past four years, now occupies a far bigger single level unit on the ground floor.

Record turn-out at Co-op’s Christmas memorial service

A record number of people attended a Christmas church service aimed at bringing comfort to bereaved families. Hundreds flocked to St Editha’s Church to attend the service organised by the Tamworth Co-operative Society. They were met at the door by Scottish piper Andy King and ended the evening enjoying complimentary mulled wine and mince pies.

Light a Christmas candle in memory of your loved ones

Families are being given the chance to pay a moving tribute to their lost loved ones at a popular Christmas service in Tamworth. The special service at St Editha’s Church on December 13, 7pm, is aimed at bringing comfort and solace over the festive period to people who have lost relatives or friends.
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